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KVC Kentucky

Personal Calling Leads to Career For KVC Foster Parent Coordinator

Kentucky youth are in foster care as a result of experiencing abuse and neglect. More than ever, they need you to open your home and heart to provide them guidance and love. Click here to learn more about becoming a foster parent.

By Steve White, Foster Parent Recruiter

My wife Paige and I had been married for eight years when we decided it was time to expand our family. It was always our hope and vision to someday have children, and we of course envisioned babies! We tried for several years to have a baby, but unfortunately we experienced three miscarriages. We felt very let down from these failed attempts, and our doctor finally said there was “no more trying.” Still determined to grow our family, we decided to pursue foster care and domestic adoption.

We completed our foster parent training classes as well as the home study. It wasn’t long after that we got a phone call asking if we could care for two Latino brothers. The boys – a 13-month-old and a 2-year-old – had been physically abused and neglected by their young teenage mother and her boyfriend. They only spoke Spanish, and I remember the social worker saying that we would be a perfect fit for them, although my wife and I knew absolutely no Spanish! We had no clue what we were getting into, but we managed to pray over it and felt called to lead, just as God had called Abraham. We told the social worker, “Yes, bring ‘em on!”

The boys’ first night in our home was met with a touch of anxiety but overall excitement. They arrived at our home with two bags full of clothes and shoes that didn’t fit. We quickly realized we were going from 15 years of being “Steve and Paige” to overnight parents with two young children who did not speak or understand English. We loved the boys immediately, and they grew to love us as well.

Just when we thought we had a new “fuller house,” the social worker informed us that the boys’ mother had a third newborn baby that would be entering foster care. We wanted the boys to stay connected to their new brother, so we told the social worker that we would care for the newborn. We arrived at the hospital and walked into the room where the baby was, and immediately knew that our family had just become whole!

We finalized the adoption of Steven, Fernando and David “Brennan” on December 23, 2007.

For me, I experience the importance of being a foster and adoptive parent every day when I look at my three sons. My wife and I said yes to caring for these boys, even when there were a million reasons to say no. It was the best decision we ever made and I am passionate about recruiting others to experience the joy in caring for a child in need.

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At KVC Kentucky, our ultimate goal is to work with families to resolve conflicts or disruptions and learn healthy skills so that children can safely return home. The majority of children who enter our foster care program are safely reunited with their families. If reunification is not possible, the goal becomes adoption, custodianship or, for older youth, independent living. It is also not uncommon for children to be adopted by their foster parents, just as Steve did with the children in his care.