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During June, KVC Kentucky Celebrates Families That Safely Reunited After Foster Care

family reunification month

All families go through tough times. When parents face adversity and toxic stress due to traumatic experiences, poverty, untreated mental health needs and lack of a support network, they may be unable to care for their children. In some cases, a court decision is made to remove the children from the home and place them with a relative, familiar caregiver or foster family while they receive support from caring professionals.

What is National Family Reunification Month?

family reunification monthJune is National Family Reunification Month, and KVC Kentucky celebrate those families that have worked hard to overcome obstacles, resolve conflicts and learn healthy skills in order for their children to safely return home from foster care. We also recognize the child welfare and mental health professionals who support families in the process to safely reunify.

How You Can Help Families Working Toward Reunification

If you care about families in your community who face serious challenges, we invite you to show your support during June and all year long. Relatives, neighbors, friends and community members can help families tremendously in these ways:

  • Offer transportation to visitations, court hearings, mental health appointments, etc.
  • Provide snacks and activities for birth parents to take to visits
  • Offer to prepare a meal for the family
  • Provide mentoring and simply serve as a friend
  • Offer words of encouragement or lend a listening ear
  • Allow the parent(s) to feel connected through community gatherings to let them know they are not alone
  • When a family is able to bring their children safely home from foster care, celebrate the family with a “welcome home” basket, meal or gathering.

KVC Kentucky Focuses on Keeping Kids in Families

Last year, KVC Kentucky strengthened thousands of families involved in the child welfare system with in-home therapy and skill-building, care coordination and other critical support. In total, 7,222 children in 3,169 families never had to experience foster care due to successful prevention services.

It is our goal to help children achieve a safe, permanent home as quickly as possible when reunification can occur. If reintegration with the child’s birth family is not possible, we then seek a loving adoptive family.

Read Some Heartwarming Family Reunification Stories

Check out some of the successful family reunification stories we have been honored to be a part of:

Learn more about our in-home family services which include family preservation, family reunification, family therapy, skill-building and more. If you want to directly support families facing serious challenges, consider joining the KVC team! We’re hiring for critical roles serving children and families throughout Kentucky.

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