Teenage Girl Transforms After Therapeutic Equine Therapy
With the aid of therapeutic equine therapy, a teenage girl who faced several behavioral challenges was able to learn new skills and become healthy.
With the aid of therapeutic equine therapy, a teenage girl who faced several behavioral challenges was able to learn new skills and become healthy.
Kentucky Youth Advocates (KYA) highlighted Family Preservation Programs as a smart investment for Kentucky families.
If home visiting can’t end poverty or the problems that come with it, advocates say it can make a difference with not only individual families but a society as a whole.
We have many talented and dedicated staff at KVC Kentucky. In Spotlight on Providers, we’ll introduce you to some of our best providers. This month we chat with Kenneth Johnson.
Loretta Lynn’s music describes the people of eastern Kentucky.
We have many talented and dedicated staff at KVC Kentucky and would like to share the thoughts of one of our best providers in this month’s Spotlight on Providers! Julie […]